What is RTT Therapy and how does an RTT session work?

How does RTT therapy work? - Isabelle Roegiers works for entrepreneurs and professionals 

RTT therapy or rapid transformational therapy triggered me because I myself had been looking for years for an effective solution that would allow me to help people faster. And then I saw rapid transformational therapy come along through an ad. That word rapid was decisive. 

In this blog, I explain very nicely how RTT works and also tell you more about NLP, hypnosis and the power of the mind. 

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Isabelle Roegiers staat voor RTT Therapie en haar RTT sessie

What is RTT and what is an RTT session? 

RTT therapy is Rapid Transformational Therapy. Brought to life by Marissa Peer. It is a combination of different therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy is in it, psychotherapyaggression therapy. It also includes a piece of nlp. And of course also hypnosis. But that piece has a negative connotation attached to it. And rightly so on the one hand because it was somewhat abused in the entertainment industry in the past. And now people are sometimes afraid you'll make them do things they don't want to do. But the fact that hypnosis is incorporated into an RTT session helps as a tool to work more broadly and find applications with other therapies. And even then immediately through the subconscious.

The way RTT was explained

I saw an ad by Marisa Peer pop up. The way she explained what RTT could do for someone immediately touched me. She explained how emotional blockages in the subconscious can be removed in an accelerated and lasting way that triggered me. She also explained how the mind works. How we create a problem with our mind. And how you could transform the cause of persistent patterns, by reprogramming the deep-rooted beliefs in the subconscious. In no time, you get rid of a pattern that has been stuck in your mind for years.

Once, I was diagnosed with a serious illness. I was 26 and still weighed 46kg. Since childhood, I was involved in what is now called the spiritual world. By learning to understand my gift during the period when I became ill, I started investing in my personal development. So I believe our body is there to teach us that we can transcend ourselves once we know how it functions. Ditto for the mind.

Once I realised this and gained experience of what our bodies and minds can handle, things started to move fast. Today, I work as an RTT therapist and coach because I have learned so much about nutrition, healing, exercise, sports, sleep disorders, burn-out, fear of failure, negative behaviour patterns and stress reduction. But still I hadn't got hold of that key. Everything was working but not fast enough. So I asked the universe: please let a solution come my way that allows me to help other people very efficiently and quickly. And then RTT came my way - it touched me immediately and I immediately started the training. Thanks to RTT, I have gained so much more insight into the workings of the mind and that, in turn, has helped so many clients. 

You can do more than you think anyway, even without RTT or hypnotherapy

Many times I asked myself the question, "how was I able to be healed". And each time I got the same answer: I wanted to be cured. I didn't talk to anyone about my illness. Being sick was not the result but the beginning of many miraculous experiences. 

Our beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves are going to have a big impact on how you feel and how you are in life. So we can think ourselves completely depressed or we can learn to lift ourselves out of a negative spiral!

By learning to look at things and your own thoughts in a different way, and learning how to let a strength emerge from a not-so-pleasant thought anyway, you are going to have a much better grip on your life yourself again!

Take a look at my website: A BREATH OF LOVE

Accept & never give up

Accept you can learn. But letting go is one of life's most difficult challenges. It is, however, one of the most important skills you can master. Accepting yourself, others, thoughts, feelings and situations gives peace, happiness and great satisfaction. Do you find it difficult to deal with desires, dissatisfactions or painful emotions?

Learning to let go, helps combat stress. This is because you then no longer try to exert control. You accept things much more as they are. And the nice thing is: you benefit from this. You feel better, happier.

To understand what acceptance is, you must first know what it is not.

Acceptance is different from giving up and surrendering yourself to an attitude of passivity and it-doesn't-matter-anymore.

On the contrary, when you accept something, you are courageous and active. You show compassion for yourself. Acceptance does not mean that you have to like what you accept. It does not mean that you have to resign yourself to it or be 'at peace' with it. So you certainly don't have to be fine with your fears, loneliness, difficult relationship(s), obesity, broken heart or injustice. Instead, you choose to let the pain be there for what it is.

Book tip? Letting Go

I knew RTT was THE ... 

How was I so sure that RTT was really for me?

RTT is based on neuroscience and quantum physics. There is a foundation to it. The fact that it is applicable at different levels is very interesting. But above all, I followed my heart. And what does that mean?  
Following your heart is about being yourself. About letting yourself flow with the river, instead of swimming against it. Discovering who you are, what you want, what satisfies you. Then fully embrace that and get on with it. And I felt that at RTT. It first met resistance from my husband. And then he said: follow your heart, but make sure you get quick results in an effective way with clients that are lasting. And then we had an appointment (lol). 

happy en verliefd koppel

Healing thanks to RTT therapy, sometimes you are already helped by one RTT session

So how does something like this work? How has RTT and hypnotherapy helped me personally?

Because I had attended so much therapy, I knew after an RTT session, it is out of my system. 

During the training, you practice the method taught. I regularly had negative thoughts. I could sink very deep. My self-esteem was prop zero. But just by doing the training, I noticed how everything changed in my mind. And that's how I knew: this works. And so I became convinced that I was going to be able to help people in an RTT session. Especially with people who sabotaged themselves and have low self-esteem. There I immediately felt that I could achieve results very quickly. But it was up to me to master this myself first. 

I am not a MIND, I have a MIND.

Our mind is incredibly powerful. 

Knowledge of the universal laws is magical and also means self-knowledge. It helps in increasing the chances of successful situations, using various mindsets. Our mind is an incredibly powerful tool through which we can collectively improve and/or enrich our work, health and happiness. It allows us, as human beings, to communicate relevantly and subconsciously with many more people. In a company, for example, with the staff and the right focus. But beware! Do not underestimate the essential preconditions and pitfalls here.

We are not the mind but have a mind. We are actually much more than the mind alone. We can contemplate and watch our own mind. It does funny and often scary things. This is why we need to keep our Divine Garden tidy.

The seed in our Divine Garden

We have a seed in our mind. And that is our divine garden. That does not mean that there is a God there, but a higher intelligence. And that's where all the people come together who have hurt us in the past, cheated us, cheated us, ... for example. And they all then live in your garden. But we already have our hands full with our own pieces, let alone those of others. 

gelukkig koppel na RTT

Why RTT therapy?

What triggered me in RTT?

The results we achieve in our lives are a direct reflection of your self-image in your mind. Change this self-image and you will automatically experience change in your results and your life. And through RTT, you can so easily change those beliefs you hold in your mind. 

RTT goes really broad. You can work on sleep problems, addictions, self-esteem, finances, etc. Anything goes. 

About 90% of my clients run into certain blockages in their entrepreneurship. That's why I combine RTT with everything I learnt on a mental, emotional and spiritual-energetic level. And that's how A Breath Of Love was born. 

RTT and entrepreneurs

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), as I said, is a powerful form of therapy that can help entrepreneurs overcome limiting beliefs and mental blocks that may be holding them back from achieving their goals. RTT is a unique combination of hypnotherapy, neuroscience and cognitive behavioural therapy that aims to identify the cause of a person's problem and give them the tools to overcome it. As an entrepreneur, you may face challenges such as overcoming fears of success or failure, improving self-confidence and coping with stress. RTT can help you address these issues and increase your mental strength so that you can realise your full potential and achieve success as an entrepreneur.

What can I expect from an RTT session or RTT therapy?

If you want to book an RTT session now, what can you expect?

Of course, you fill in an intake form at the front so that I can see what you are up against and prepare. This can take place offline or online. We go through the intake form together and decide what we will work on during the session. We always work on 1 subject. Our brain can only focus on 1 thing. 

So if you decide to book an RTT session, you will get an individual and personalised RTT session with a certified RTT therapist. During the session, I will guide you into a relaxed state where you can access your subconscious mind, where many of your limiting beliefs and patterns reside. 

I ask you questions about the issue you are seeking help for and will help you identify the cause of the problem. I then use various techniques, including hypnosis, to install new positive beliefs and behavioural patterns and help you make the desired changes. 

The session usually lasts between 90 and 120 minutes. After the session, I give you tools to use to reinforce and maintain the new beliefs and patterns. It is important to note that RTT is not a quick fix if you are not prepared to work towards effective change.

You go into hypnosis. This is nothing more and nothing less than a relaxed state. You are in hypnosis for between an hour and a half and an hour and three-quarters. We go back to a number of scenes. You can think of these as events or as conscious or unconscious memories. In the session, we also do healing and transformation. How you can see the transformation: based on neuroscience, we create new neurological connections. So then you are really released from what you want to resolve, but that means space is created for what you do want. That's why we create new neurological connections. After the session, you get custom audio and you can strengthen those neurological connections for at least 21 days.

After the session, I follow up weekly.

What next? The underlying problem was addressed ... 

Once the underlying problem has been addressed through an RTT session, several positive changes can occur. Because RTT targets the subconscious mind, where many of our behaviours, habits and beliefs are stored, it can help replace limiting beliefs with new, positive ones. As a result, you may experience more self-confidence, motivation and creativity, for example, which can help you be more successful as an entrepreneur. It can also reduce any anxiety or stress symptoms, giving you more focus and clarity to achieve your goals. You may have more insight into yourself and how to manage your behaviour and thinking after the session, which can help you make better decisions and get more satisfaction from your work as an entrepreneur. In short, RTT can lead to greater self-awareness, confidence and positive changes both personally and professionally.

Why can anyone benefit from an RTT session?

Everyone can benefit from an RTT session because we all have limiting beliefs to a greater or lesser extent that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. These beliefs can hinder us in various aspects of our lives, such as our career, relationships, health and personal development. Through RTT, you can identify these limiting beliefs and transform them into new, positive beliefs that help you experience greater success, fulfilment and well-being.

In addition, RTT can help resolve various mental and emotional problems, such as anxiety, stress, depression, addictions and trauma. These problems can greatly affect our lives and hold us back from experiencing happiness and fulfilment. RTT can help address the causes of these problems and resolve them, allowing us to feel free and powerful again.

Finally, RTT can help make us more aware of who we are and what we want in life. By exploring the deeper layers of our consciousness, we can discover our true desires and goals and take action to achieve them. All in all, RTT can help us transform our lives and help us get the best out of ourselves.

Working with RTT as a holistic therapist abroad

RTT can be done both online and offline, so no matter where I am, my trajectories just keep running. 
I have lived abroad for more than three years, including more than a year in Spain, and continue to build my practice as a holistic therapist here. 

RTT and holistic working have a strong relationship because they both focus on extracting the whole person rather than just the symptoms. Holistic working recognises that a person's mind, body and soul are connected and that treating only one aspect is not enough for lasting healing. RTT also focuses on treating the whole person and addressing the root causes of problems, rather than just addressing the symptoms.

Moreover, RTT uses various techniques, including hypnosis and regression, to access the subconscious and deeper levels of consciousness. This fits well with the holistic concept that all aspects of a person's life are interconnected and that there are often underlying causes for problems at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

In addition, RTT and holistic work can both also help someone discover and realise their potential, by increasing self-awareness and identifying limiting beliefs and patterns that hold someone back.

In short, both RTT and holistic work pursue a holistic approach to healing and well-being and can complement each other in creating comprehensive and effective treatment.

Does spirituality help achieve a balanced life?

My spiritual mother believes that a balanced life can be achieved by striving for a balance between our inner world and our outer world. This means paying attention not only to our physical well-being, but also to our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. According to her, it is important to get in touch with our inner self and discover our true desires and needs so that we can live our lives based on what makes us happy.

Her vision and RTT come together because RTT also focuses on achieving a balanced life by addressing the root causes of problems at different levels, including emotional, mental and spiritual levels. RTT helps people identify and transform their limiting beliefs and patterns so that they can live their lives based on what makes them truly happy and helps them reach their full potential.

Moreover, RTT and my spiritual mother's vision can complement each other in achieving a balanced life. RTT can help transform limiting beliefs and patterns that hold a person back from living a balanced life, while her teachings can help expand a person's awareness and help them focus on their true desires and needs.

In short, my spiritual mother's vision and RTT both aim to help people live a balanced life and can complement each other in achieving this goal. And that is why I founded A Breath of Love. 

HSP, personal triggers and RTT

Highly sensitive individuals (HSP) are often more sensitive to certain stimuli than others and can quickly become overwhelmed by situations that may not be a problem for others. HSPs often also have personal triggers, which are specific situations, events or people that can trigger strong emotional reactions in them.

RTT can help address personal triggers and reduce the emotional reactions triggered by them. Through hypnosis and regression, RTT can identify and transform the root causes of these triggers, making them less stressful for the person. RTT can also help strengthen self-awareness and increase the ability to deal with challenging situations.

So for HSPs, RTT can be a valuable tool to learn how to deal with personal triggers and overwhelming situations. By addressing and transforming these triggers, RTT can help reduce a person's sensitivity and help them feel more at ease in situations that were previously problematic.

Overview, RTT and your highest potential

One of the most important aspects of reaching our highest potential is creating oversight in our lives. Often, we are so busy performing daily tasks and obligations that we don't have time to stop and reflect on what we really want and what makes us happy.

RTT can help create this overview by identifying limiting beliefs and patterns that hold us back from reaching our highest potential. Through hypnosis and regression, RTT can help us transform these beliefs and patterns and help us discover our true desires and goals.

With this insight, we can then take action and focus our energy on what really matters to us, helping us reach our highest potential. RTT can thus be a valuable tool to help us re-evaluate and refocus our lives on what makes us happy and helps us reach our full potential.

RTT sessie voor vrouwelijke ondernemers

What is the added value of RTT compared to NLP?

RTT and NLP are both approaches to personal development and addressing limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns. Both methods have their own benefits and can be valuable depending on the person and the specific problem.

A key added value of RTT over NLP is the depth of trance achieved during the session. RTT uses a deeper state of hypnosis and regression than NLP, making it possible to identify and transform the root causes of limiting beliefs and patterns at a deeper level.

Another advantage of RTT is that it offers a structured and tailored approach, specifically tailored to the client's needs. RTT therapists work with specific protocols and techniques to identify and transform the root causes of problems. NLP, on the other hand, is based more on a flexible and intuitive approach to changing patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Finally, RTT can also be effective in addressing deeply ingrained patterns and long-standing problems, while NLP often focuses on changing specific problems at a more superficial level.

While NLP and RTT can both be effective in personal development and behavioural change, RTT can be more appropriate for deeper, more deeply rooted issues and can help the client transform and grow on a deeper level.

Why invest in RTT sessions?

There are several reasons why an entrepreneur might benefit from an RTT session:

1. Reducing stress and anxiety: Entrepreneurs often face high levels of stress and pressure to perform. RTT can help reduce stress and anxiety by addressing underlying limiting beliefs and patterns that contribute to these feelings.

2. Improving self-confidence and self-esteem: Entrepreneurs often have to make decisions and show leadership. RTT can help increase self-confidence and improve self-image so that the entrepreneur can act with more confidence and self-assurance.

3. Identification of limiting beliefs: Entrepreneurs often face limiting beliefs that hold them back from reaching their full potential. RTT can help identify and transform these limiting beliefs, giving the entrepreneur more freedom and choices in his or her life and work.

4. Improving relationships: Entrepreneurs often have to deal with building and maintaining relationships with customers, employees and partners. RTT can help identify and transform negative patterns and beliefs that contribute to problems in relationships, allowing the entrepreneur to build and maintain better relationships.

In short, RTT can help entrepreneurs improve their mental well-being, self-image, decision-making ability and relationships. By investing in an RTT session, an entrepreneur can increase his or her ability to function effectively and be successful in business.

Why do we experience resistance and triggers and what is the relationship with RTT?

Resistance and triggers can arise from limiting beliefs and patterns we have developed as a result of our upbringing, environment and experiences. These beliefs and patterns can limit us in our daily lives and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

RTT can help identify and transform these limiting beliefs and patterns. Through understanding these beliefs and patterns and applying specific techniques, RTT can ensure that these limiting beliefs are released and replaced with more positive and supportive beliefs. This can lead to reducing resistance and avoiding triggers.

In addition, RTT can also help a person learn to deal with triggers when they do occur. Through specific techniques, an RTT therapist can help a person manage and process triggers, thus reducing the person's exposure to them in the future.

In short, RTT can help identify and transform limiting beliefs and patterns that cause resistance and triggers. By replacing these beliefs with more positive and supportive ones and learning skills to manage and process triggers, RTT can help a person become more resilient and successful. 

Want to read a book on RTT? 

I can name some popular and recommended books on RTT therapy used by therapists and read by my clients:

Rapid Transformational Therapy: A Groundbreaking Approach to Hypnotherapy" by Marisa Peer 2.

"You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting...Forever" by Marisa Peer 2.

"I Am Enough: Mark Your Mirror And Change Your Life" by Marisa Peer 3.

4. "Unleashed: The Power of Speaking Your Mind" by Lisa Nichols

5. "The Mind Workout: Twenty steps to improve your mental health and take charge of your life" by Mark Freeman

I recommend researching these books and reading the descriptions and reviews to determine which one best suits your needs. It is always a good idea to ask for feedback from friends, family members or health professionals who have experience with RTT therapy to help you make your choices.