Create your own power and magic with RTT

RTT therapy is Rapid Transformational Therapy

Put into the world by Marissa Peer. It is, in fact, a hybrid form of therapy. 

This form combines hypnotherapy, NLP, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. 

Through RTT, we reach your subconscious mind. The "subconscious mind". 

Do you have experience with RTT? 

Then you will know the profound impact one RTT session can already have on your life. 

One session delivers exceptional results. 

In this blog, I prefer to refer to my many video testimonials, rather than explaining why. 

Check out my video testimonials. 

Seeing how quickly people transform during many RTT processes, I started developing my own programme. 

My "'A Breath Of-Love' Programme"

This programme is a journey. Where we work together for 6 months. The basis, of course, is RTT. 

But you get so much more out of it. 

You can discover it on my website

Those who have attended this programme all testify to extraordinary transformations. 

And those who experience effective change want more. 

Therefore, from December, I am launching my Life Changing Mentor Sessions.

The life-changing sessions are designed to help you adopt new habits that lead to success. 

In this blog, I want to inspire you and explain how you can develop your own power and magic.

Special occasions ... 

For special occasions, we like to invite people. 

But why do we like to invite people? Consider, e.g., a birth party.

Because at the end of the day, it's all about your 'unique moment'.

The reason is: because the people who come create a collective energy of compliments. 

That would be the ideal picture.

And so the baby, in the case of a birth party, receives that high collective energy from all those laudatory words and thoughts. 

And so the baby's awareness increases.

But, of course, this does not have to be only on those special days.

In fact, it should become a lifestyle. 

That we are committed to creating collective high vibrations. 

For every situation in our lives. 

And yes, you can create high vibrations yourself. 

We don't need others to do that. 

From now on, first and foremost, we want to be able to empower ourselves. 

Empowerments, predictions, motivations from other people don't work if I can't empower myself first. 

If I can't clean up my own garden first. 

Be able to develop my own sense of success and happiness.

So the initial empowerment starts with yourself. 

And then what is the role of other people's affirmations? 

They act on your mind. They just raise your vibration and that's how you influence your work and success. 

Suppose you have an important assignment tomorrow. Or next week. or next month. 

You look for someone and expect that person to bless you, to empower you, to set you on the path to success in that task. 

That is why we go to our parents, grandparents, saints, masters, gurus ... for empowerment. 

And we think: thanks to their blessing, recognition or prophecy, everything is going to be perfect. 

Then we go about our business and everything effectively turns out to be the perfect picture that day. 

And then we say: thanks to them, I was able to manifest this. 

But it is not like that. We ignore our own part in this.

When someone empowers me and says that 'everything will go perfectly', it is not their higher vibration that will determine my success. 

It can only raise the vibration in my mind. 

And then, with my karma, I will build on everything. And bring about success.

So don't ignore your role in your success or failure. In whatever you manifested. It is always about you.

And sometimes people also say: I wanted to do this or that, but someone told me something and I couldn't continue my work. 

So we blame others. But we don't see our role.

Whatever happens in our lives, failure or success. Many people blame others or put others on the stage. 

And if we don't really find anyone on this planet, then it is God's fault or thanks to the guru that we experience that prosperity. 

So it is everybody's fault but my own. Or it is thanks to the great master, and not thanks to myself. 

So we don't take personal responsibility enough. 

Now what does empowerment do? Empowerment raises my consciousness.

And then my consciousness influences what I will do.

But how are you going to create your own power and magic now? 

You want to be able to choose your destination very clearly from now on. 

Thoughts can manifest. 

Well, we know that words create the world. And that relationships are created by the way we think. 

Especially when it comes to relating to myself and my body.

During the Life Changing Mentor Session we are going to love ourselves first. 

In your mind. And then also of our bodies.

That is the first work we will do. 

We don't need the world and big success stories to express something good about ourselves. 

Or about our bodies. Or to form conscious thoughts in our mind. 

All we have to do is appreciate and be grateful for our lives and our bodies. 

First, we want to be able to find truth in this. 

Because as long as you keep telling yourself what is not working in your life or in your body, then you are also rejecting success. 

If you have nothing good to say about yourself, why should people listen to you? 

This is a very deep matter. Something to think carefully about. 

We all talk about having to accept other people. 

But shouldn't we first learn to accept our own lives and bodies?

Beauty is not about making every part of your body look perfect. 

Success is not about everything in your life going perfectly.

Beauty and success is in every thought about my life and body being perfect. 

It's about how I think about it. 

Because that is the vibration I emit to the world. 

And this is how the world will perceive me.

Experiment yourself every day. 

If there is a stain on your dress . 

You are about to go to a party and now you have this stain. 

Two ways: 

1. you keep thinking everyone will see it. I have to hide it. 

The more you engage with it, the longer it stays in your energy field. 

The more you exude it too and the more everyone will see it effectively.

2. Just go to 'the party without even thinking about that stain. 100% sure no one will look at it. 

Because it is the vibration you emit that makes them look at your spot or not. 

So go to a party and feel good. Be happy with who you are, despite the stain. 

If you walk up to people with doubts about your appearance, that's what people will start talking about. 

And then when they effectively start talking about that topic, we sink even deeper into doubts about ourselves. 

And so it becomes a vicious circle.

So, don't reject yourself, your life or your body. 

Even if something is not okay with you, or your body or your health. Be grateful. 

Send out powerful vibration. And heal (heal) your body.

Appreciate, accept, be grateful and empower yourself and your body. 

And then watch power and magic emerge in your life. 

It's a relationship you build. 

With life, yourself, your body, of course also with other people, but also with time and even nature.

We may not be able to change the world, but we do have the power to create our own resources. 

And how we use and deploy them determines your success.

And when everyone starts building a beautiful relationship with themselves and creating resources, the world automatically starts changing.

The solution is not at the global level, but at the personal level. 

So start creating a beautiful relationship with the yourself, your body, nature and the objects you use in your life. 

We reject all that or we can learn to appreciate, accept, be grateful and empower.

So there are only four things to remember in everything you do. 

  • Accept
  • appreciate
  • be grateful
  • and endorse.

We ourselves are continuously empowered. But we don't accept it. We don't appreciate it enough. 

We are not grateful for it and we do not use those affirmations. 

Because we always look for points, which we don't like. And so we are never satisfied in life.

Despite having everything, we are never satisfied.

Because we always find and see faults in everything. 

Whether it's people, their actions, our bodies, my mind, nature, time, objects ... we always find the cons. 

Again and again. 

We can always find flaws everywhere. Shortcomings. What someone doesn't do well. What someone has not mastered. 

Where someone falls short. What we don't like about ourselves. 

Always the same search for faults and shortcomings.  

But if I find something wrong in everything, the quality of my relationships deteriorates and my vibration drops.

And the lower my vibration? The weaker my reality.

So the power lies in the mind.

All we have to do is care about how we think and what we say. 

Here are some sublime lines to memorise already. 

  • I feel peaceful and calm - I am a powerful soul
  • I am a pure soul - I am conscious
  • I am free from anxiety, happy and healthy
  • My body is perfect and healthy and always will be
  • I am always content
  • I am a divine being, happy and grateful
  • I have a blissful life and much prosperity
  • I am extremely successful and a rich soul
  • I forgive, I forget, I release, I let go
  • I am protected and safe
  • My family is healthy, happy, safe and also protected

Want to create your own power and magic in life? 

Then book HERE a no-obligation exploratory discussion.