The magical combo of RTT with Hypnotherapy and NLP

RTT and its difference from hypnotherapy

What is RTT that hypnosis therapy is not?

RTT Therapy was brought into the world by Marisa Peer. In fact, it is a hybrid form of therapy. This form combines hypnotherapy (hypnosis) , NLP, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. Through Rapid Transformational Therapy (or RTT), we reach your subconscious mind. 

Deeper understanding

Among other things, RTT therapy uses hypnotherapy as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of where a negative belief originated. After all, how come you still suffer from a specific problem that repeats itself or certain symptoms that don't get eliminated? Or think of concepts such as our inner saboteur, smoking addiction, procrastination, imposter syndrome, sleep problems, ... 

Deeply held beliefs

RTT uses so many more 'tools' and resources than just hypnotherapy, to surface the knowledge you need to release deep-seated beliefs (often an inner saboteur).

Need to go through trauma back at a hypnotherapist?

Some people see regression therapy as an obstacle because they feel the client should not have to go through any more trauma. But as an RTT hypnotherapist, I always assure my clients that we are only looking at the event that is surfacing (as your subconscious already knows what is going on). 

You will never relive an event. You will only assess it. That's how you get a clear understanding of what meaning you have given to it. And so it becomes clear to you what is going on at a deeper level. 

You act as a detective

You also begin to reason with the event from where you are now in life and let it go. You act as a detective in your own life, discovering the root cause of the issue - and letting it go. Because the power lies in understanding. You can't change something until you find the root cause.

Conclusion difference hypnosis and RTT

The difference is that RTT gives you a clear understanding of how and why you formed the belief or behaviour. And RTT creator and founder Marisa Peer says: "understanding is power". This is the core of RTT - once you understand why you behave in a certain way - you can negotiate with your subconscious and let it go. It's the 'aha moment' in a séance!

RTT hypnotherapeut Isabelle Roegiers lacht

The impact of one RTT seance


If you have experience with both hypnosis (or hypnotherapy) and RTT, you know the profound impact one RTT séance can already have on your life. One session produces exceptional results.‍ 
In this blog, I prefer to refer to my many video testimonials, rather than explaining why.  
Check out my video testimonials.

RTT regression

RTT uses regression to the events that are the root, the cause, the reason behind the dilemma at hand. This is an essential step in understanding what is going on at a subconscious level, so that you can overcome it and move forward in life for real again.

Why an RTT course?

A Breath Of Love

Seeing how quickly people transform during many RTT processes, I started developing my own programme. My "'A Breath Of-Love' Programme". This programme is a journey. Where we work together for 6 months. The basis is, of course, RTT (the combo with hypnosis, or hypnotherapy). But you get so much more. You can discover it on my website
Those who have followed this programme all testify to extraordinary transformations. And those who experience effective change want more.  

hypnotherapeut noteert

Hypnotherapy experiences

Do you have experience with hypnotherapy? 

Then you have been to a hypnosis practice and have hypnotherapy experience(s).
Hypnotherapy is a technique that allows you to access your subconscious. In this 'trance', you are more open to influence and suggestions. In hypnotherapy alone (often several sessions are also needed unlike RTT where you are freed from your unconscious blockages in 1 to max 3 sessions), the focus is on the result and not the problem. 


Hypnotherapy (focusing on the outcome) can help with some problems, but at the end of the day, you still have that behaviour or belief in your subconscious because you haven't understood it. And you haven't let go of it, and that's why relapse is more likely. Complaints, for example, stay around longer.

More on hypnotherapy, hypnosis and the hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy is a treatment method

Hypnotherapy is a treatment method for complaints of a psychological and psychosomatic nature. The subconscious mind has the unique ability to analyse all information, and from there develop a behaviour or habit. 
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a science-based method of making changes to that behaviour and/or habit through acceptable indications (and therefore not against one's will).  

You are in hypnosis more often than you think. 

For example: if you daydream, you are in hypnosis. If you are absorbed in that film or book, you are in hypnosis. Such a hypnosis experience is called an everyday or spontaneous trance. External stimuli are momentarily less perceptible at that moment. You sidetrack them, as it were. This type of trance (hypnosis) is used in hypnotherapy. Your attention is then completely with yourself and the environment is less important. This creates space to work on solving the problem you came up with. 

The trance

Trance (hypnosis) is a phase between waking and sleeping. The depth of trance (hypnosis) can vary, but as a rule it is deeper each time you are hypnotised. You get there because the hypnotherapist (in his or her hypnosis practice) guides you there with "hints". In this hypnotic state, images often come from your subconscious that put you on the right track to a solution. In addition, you subconsciously receive, often in imagery, suggestions from the hypnotherapist that can greatly reduce or solve complaints or problems.

Do you have any questions or the effect of RTT or the difference with hypnosis or hypnotherapy?

Visit my website Or contact us directly.