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Sometimes you sabotage your relationship

Sometimes you sabotage your relationship. Not because you don't want a relationship, but because it gets too exciting for you for a while.This has to do with vulnerability and trust.You do something to break the connection between you.Why do we sabotage something that is just so important to us?Sometimes love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship, no matter how sad this sounds.

If you, your (potential) partner or both of you are dealing with fears and traumas from the past, it will create complications in the relationship. It will have an effect. There may be an exchange: sociability, sex, money, shared values, an encouraging outlook, doing fun things together, etc.

When you fail to meet the other person's needs and expectations, there is 'taking' rather than receiving. This affects the balance of giving and receiving in the relationship. Sabotage in your relationship is a reaction to an uncomfortable, anxious or painful feeling. A feeling you may never have been aware of before.

What is sabotage in your relationship?

Sabotage in your relationship is nothing more than doing or not doing something to avoid intimacy and vulnerability. Deep down, you're afraid you won't be good enough for your partner, with all that's going on inside you. You don't feel valuable enough, jealousy comes up, insecurities come up....

The moment both partners have to offer something to the partner that is challenging for them, or that they are simply incapable of doing, they may both start exhibiting survival behaviour.

Think distancing or wanting to exert control over the other person. This is usually not the most effective and mature behaviour available to a person. In fact, survival behaviour serves the purpose of getting through the difficult situation as quickly as possible.

Because both partners feel they cannot get from the other what they need, they feel that they both have a lot to give and are working hard in the relationship. The other partner does not experience that 'hard work' from the other as 'receiving', which can put the balance of giving and receiving in a danger zone.'

How can you stop sabotage in your relationship?

First, make sure you recognise when you are sabotaging. Then examine with yourself what was so exciting about that moment. Was it too vulnerable, too intimate? Did you feel insecure, scared, trapped or emotional? What was so 'dangerous' about that moment? What were you trying to avoid with it? Sabotage is very subtle and can be tricky to spot. So talk to your partner about it. Sometimes you can recognise it more easily in each other.

If you know what you do in contact with your partner, you also experience more choice to do things differently. So if you know that your tendency is to look away when your partner cries, you can challenge yourself to keep looking away for once. That way, you break patterns and gain new experiences. Experiences that show that you are safe enough with each other to be open and vulnerable. Stopping sabotage in your relationship really is easier if you do it together! Through RTT, you can tackle the core of your self-sabotage.

RTT is based on neuroscience and quantum physics. There is a foundation to it. The fact that it is applicable at different levels is very interesting. RTT therapy is Rapid Transformational Therapy. Brought to life by Marissa Peer. It is a combination of different therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy is in it, psychotherapy, aggression therapy. It also includes a bit of nlp. And, of course, hypnosis. But that piece has a negative connotation attached to it. And rightly so on the one hand because it was somewhat abused in the entertainment industry in the past. And now people are sometimes afraid that you will make them do things they don't want to do. But the fact that hypnosis is incorporated into an RTT session helps as a tool to work more broadly and find applications with other therapies. And even then immediately through the subconscious.

I saw an advertisement by Marisa Peer pop up. The way she explained what RTT could do for someone immediately hit me. She explained how emotional blockages in the subconscious can be removed in an accelerated and lasting way that triggered me. She also explained how the mind works. How we create a problem with our mind. And how you could transform the cause of persistent patterns, by reprogramming deep-seated beliefs in the subconscious. In no time you get rid of a pattern that has been stuck in your mind for years. And so sabotage in a relationship can stop in an accelerated, efficient way.

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Insightful, compassionate and loving, Isabelle guides her clients to heal emotional conflicts and help them live extraordinary lives. I find it very important to listen carefully to your story, And I will tell you what the possibilities are.

And what I can do for you. I like to free you from your limiting beliefs, blockages or limiting behaviours so that you are fully in your back power. And To Unlock Your Dreams

The secret to a loving relationship

When you learn to see all the traits you like or dislike about your partner as parts of yourself, you find the key to the great 'secret' to a loving relationship with your partner.

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Namely, that you are the key to the change you desire in your life. If you integrate this belief into your being, you will no longer have to hope or wish for others to change or be frustrated by their actions. Also, you will no longer have to walk around with the feeling that you have to constantly eliminate yourself to keep certain relationships going.

Once you change yourself and your limiting beliefs, you will find that your relationships change in ways you never thought possible. In time, when you find true love within yourself, you will also create and attract it into your life more effortlessly. In other words, know yourself, love yourself, know your worth and use that as a basis for attracting or letting go of people in your life. But how do you do that?

First things first, if you want the dynamics in your relationship to change positively, you have to make problems known first. "Problems in relationships are not solved by burying your head in the sand and hoping they will disappear like 'themselves'." The first step is to have the courage to express your feelings to your partner. After all, your partner may very well not know how his/her behaviour is negatively affecting you."

If you are treated in a way that does not feel right, it is not necessarily your or your partner's fault. When things get difficult, we often look for the culprit. This is not the most essential thing if you want more love between you. It is more important to explore how you both contribute to the stressful dynamic between you.

In conflict situations, it can be useful to bring in an external resource to help address the negative aspects of the relationship." You can seek help together or alone. Seek the help of a therapist or individual coaching to discuss the things that are causing stress in your relationship and make a plan to change them."

To create a loving dynamic within your relationship, you will have to do more than just fulfil your role. "Taking responsibility for your own behaviour and being your best self within the relationship can contribute positively to creating a loving relationship," "Yes, your partner should do the same, but one person displaying positive behaviour can already be a good start to give relationship a positive turn."

Couples can easily get "swallowed up" by daily life (work, children, hobbies, social commitments, studies, etc.) which can gradually make them forget to also be a "couple". "Quality time is essential for creating a healthy dynamic within a relationship",

If you like to be touched, cuddled and held, tell your partner. Physical contact is a basic need of all of us, just like eating, drinking and sleeping. When we are under stress, we produce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. To calm down, we need oxytocin, the love and attachment hormone, which is released when we touch. "It's amazing what physical touch can do to heal a relationship,

More intimacy and 'fireworks' in the bedroom can have a 'snowball effect' on the rest of your relationship and bring you closer together.

A yearning for each other does not come out of the blue. Time, attention and commitment are indispensable for a good relationship and sex life. Try cramming an evening for sex as you would for a night out.

To change an unhealthy dynamic in your relationship, you need to talk to your partner every day and dedicate yourself to pushing through the necessary changes.

When trying to make a big life change, it can help to start with smaller changes - like flipping your daily routines. "Go for a walk together instead of watching TV at night," he says.

Get up earlier and take time to have a leisurely breakfast together or walk the dog together. Visit a place you haven't been to yet instead of doing household chores on Saturdays." Break out of your normal rut and you will find that your relationship will improve as a result."

Be Blessed!

Couples who are mindful, for instance, are more satisfied with their relationship. This is because mindfulness creates a greater sense of well-being in the individual. And because mindful people are more empathetic, have better emotional skills and handle stress in a healthier way.

Lovers who are more mindful are also more likely to compromise during conflicts.
This is only possible if you consider each other and try to reach a solution together: nay important in relationships.

People who are more mindful are more aware of their automatic reactions and are therefore better able to influence those reactions.

When you are mindful, you are better able to regulate your emotions. For example, you are better able to accept negative emotions, such as fear and anger. Because you know that thoughts and feelings will pass again, you worry less about those same thoughts and feelings and are thus better able to let them go.

A mindful person can manage his or her impulses better and has more control over actions.

Finally, mindfulness enhances feelings of connection and closeness with others. If you are mindful, you are more empathetic. You are more inclined to look at a situation not only from yourself, but also from the other person's perspective. Because you are aware of your own feelings and thoughts, you also understand that your behaviour affects the feelings and thoughts of others.

Through mindfulness and meditation, you get to an inner core of love, from which you can lovingly sympathise, not only with yourself, but also with your loved ones, the world around you and the universe.'