RTT - How many sessions of RAPID TRANSFORMATIONAL THERAPY can I expect?

How many Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions do I need for effective transformation?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a therapy developed by Marisa Peer. It combines principles of hypnotherapy, NLP, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. This therapy is specially designed for rapid relief of emotional & physical pain and leads to quick, permanent results. It goes to the root cause of a problem and transforms it in 1-3 sessions!

How many RTT sessions do I need to see real change? 

It depends on what kind of problems you want to address, what your goals are and how you respond to therapy. Generally, just one session can make a difference. They are designed to get to the root of the problem quickly and reverse negative beliefs. But if you want to go deeper into the issues and reinforce the effects of therapy, a series of sessions may be needed. I discuss what you need and what your goals are with my clients so that I can create a "plan" that works for you.

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A revolutionary RTT session

During my RTT sessions, I go deep into their subconscious with my clients to find and transform the root cause of their problems. I use hypnosis, regression and neurolinguistic programming to help them replace negative beliefs with new, powerful ones. Results can be noticeable quickly, leaving my clients feeling liberated and empowered in all aspects of their lives. An RTT session is truly a gamechanger and provides my clients with everything they need to achieve their dreams and become the best version of themselves.

This revolutionary, highly efficient & effective therapy works very quickly and is scientifically proven. It improves, transforms and optimises the quality of life for people who do not have the time or inclination to spend hours talking about their problem.

One RTT session can produce several positive changes. 

The session focuses on identifying and transforming limiting beliefs that have limited you and no longer serve you. This can lead to increased self-esteem, self-confidence and empowerment. Also, one RTT session can help reduce anxiety and stress, promote positive changes in personal and professional relationships, and improve overall quality of life. It is important to remember that the results of an RTT session can be different for each person and depend on several factors, such as the nature and complexity of the problems being addressed.

One session delivers exceptional results and frees you from unwanted habits and physical, emotional & psychological problems and limiting beliefs deeply rooted in your subconscious.

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The 4 layers of the mind as a model on how the mind works

The mind is divided into four layers. But this is more of a psychological model than a yogic model. Below is more information on the four layers of the mind according to this model:

  1. The conscious part: This is the part of the mind of which we are directly aware. It includes our thoughts, emotions, perceptions and intentions at the moment we experience them. The conscious part of the mind is focused on the external world and allows us to make conscious choices and take actions.
  2. The subconscious: This is the part of the mind that lies beneath the surface but is still accessible with effort. The subconscious contains memories, emotions, desires and beliefs that are not consciously accessible but can influence our behaviour and perceptions.
  3. The unconscious: This is the part of the mind that is not accessible to our conscious thinking. The unconscious often contains hidden or repressed emotions, desires and beliefs that can influence our behaviour and perceptions in unconscious ways.
  4. The collective unconscious: This is a concept developed by psychologist Carl Jung and refers to the layer of the mind that is shared by all humans and contains universal archetypal patterns that have emerged in human history and evolution. The collective unconscious contains symbols, myths and images that occur all over the world and have deep meaning for all people.

The model of the four layers of the mind can be used to gain greater insight into our own thinking and behaviour and to understand how our unconscious and collective unconscious influence our experiences and perceptions. Psychotherapy, meditation and other methods can be used to access the subconscious and unconscious layers of the mind and transform dysfunctional patterns and beliefs.

Marisa Peer and RTT and models on how the mind works

Marisa Peer is a well-known British therapist and speaker, and her work focuses on transforming limiting beliefs and improving people's mental health and performance. She has developed several models and theories on how the mind works and how the subconscious and unconscious influence our lives.

One of Marisa Peer's theories is that our subconscious controls about 95% of our behaviour and experiences, while our conscious and subconscious each control about 2.5%. This model thus suggests that our subconscious has the greatest influence on our lives, and so it is important to transform limiting beliefs and patterns in the subconscious in order to reach our full potential.

It is important to stress that this is only one model and that there are other models that suggest different relationships and influences. It is also important to remember that the workings of the mind are very complex and there are different factors and processes involved in our behaviour and experiences.

Why work with RTT or an RTT session? 

RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) is a form of therapy that focuses on identifying and transforming the root causes of emotional and physical problems. An RTT session can be effective in addressing a wide range of problems, including anxiety, stress, lack of self-confidence, depression, addictions, phobias, sleep problems and more.

An RTT session can be used to find the cause of a problem and resolve it through hypnosis and other techniques. By being put into deep relaxation, the client can access their subconscious thoughts and beliefs, where often the cause of problems lies. The therapist can then help resolve these beliefs and create new, positive beliefs that support the client in achieving their goals and improving their well-being.

So working with RTT therapy or an RTT session can help create positive changes in a person's life, making them better able to achieve their goals and live a happier, healthier life.

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Other benefits of an RTT session? 

There are several reasons why someone might choose to work with RTT therapy or an RTT session:

  1. To address certain problems or challenges: RTT can help address a wide range of problems, including anxiety, stress, lack of self-confidence, depression, addictions, phobias, sleep problems and more.
  2. To let go of limiting beliefs: Many people have limiting beliefs that hold them back in their personal and professional lives. RTT can help identify and release these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive and supportive ones.
  3. To build confidence and self-acceptance: RTT can help increase self-confidence and a sense of self-acceptance. It can help develop a positive self-image and improve relationships with others.
  4. To encourage personal growth: RTT can help stimulate personal growth and development. It can help discover a person's deepest desires and goals and develop a plan to achieve them.
  5. To promote better health and well-being: RTT can help improve health and well-being. It can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, improve sleep and promote a positive and healthy lifestyle.

What can you expect from a session with me?

If you choose to make an appointment for RTT therapy with me as a hypnotherapist and coach, you can expect the following:

A professional and passionate approach: I am an experienced RTT therapist and coach with deep knowledge of the brain and body. My strength lies in understanding and guiding my clients to a state of control and freedom.

An empathetic and caring approach: I understand that having an appointment for RTT therapy can sometimes be exciting. Therefore, I offer an empathetic and caring approach to make sure you feel at ease during the session.

A personalised approach: I offer a personalised approach tailored to your specific needs and goals. During the session, we will work together to identify the underlying beliefs and emotions causing your problems and transform them using hypnosis and RTT therapy.

Effective and lasting results: I am convinced that hypnosis and RTT therapy can produce effective and lasting results. I will help you regain control of your life and experience the freedom you deserve.

Aftercare and support: I offer aftercare and support after the session to ensure that you can maintain the changes you have made. I can also make recommendations for further coaching or books to continue to support you in your personal growth.

Will there be a book? 

As an experienced and passionate RTT therapist, hypnotherapist and coach, I want to share my knowledge and experiences with a wider audience. I have therefore decided to write a book and ebook on the powerful combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy, hypnotherapy and the power of the mind. In my book, I will share insights on how these techniques can be used to solve problems and bring about positive changes in life. Although I am not releasing the title of my book yet, I can share that it will be a practical and accessible book, suitable for both professionals and individuals. It will be a book to look forward to for anyone interested in personal growth and development.